Divisional chart vedic astrology calculator
Divisional chart vedic astrology calculator

divisional chart vedic astrology calculator

There are exalted planets but still they fail, oh so tragically! There are charts which gain tremendous power and prestige but then after a few years are found begging in the streets. Sometimes you observe that the D-1 is superb but still predictions fail. There are two ways of using the Shashtyamsha.ġ.The first and more familiar way of analysing the D-60 chart. The final conclusion of the chart analysis is D-60. What is it used for? It is the final tally of the Karma that you will face in this life, severe karmic losses and falls and gains and spectacular rises in power. So before dabbling in divisional charts please be sure of your birth time. And there are other mathematical ways to rectify the birth time in case you cannot get a handprint.

divisional chart vedic astrology calculator

The vertical lines on the fingers are used in mathematical formulae to arrive at your exact to the second birth time. Anyways, there is a way of calculating your exact birth time using palmistry.

divisional chart vedic astrology calculator

This separates the child from the mother, now he /she is an independent individual. Sometimes I wonder what should be the ‘exact birth time’? Time when the head comes out, or the entire body, or the first breath, or the first cry? It is the exact time when the umbilical cord is cut. Only then should you check out the divisional charts, else they will mislead. You and me are very complex beings, you see!īut a note, your birth time should be exact. So why do this? Divide and subdivide the zodiac to get more and more divisional charts? Each divisional chart gives a deeper insight into the real you, the secret you, the physical you, the astral you, the spiritual you, the emotional you and so on. The D-60 which is another very important chart, we will now know a bit more about this.The Navamsha, D-9, the 9th divisional chart, this is the Real You, as discussed in this earlier post.Same as the D-1 just turned around, counting the house that has the moon as the first house you get your birth moon chart. Then next is the birth moon chart, this gives an indication of the perception and emotional filters of your life.We keep on discussing this chart endlessly. D-1 is the first divisional chart which we always refer to as the birth chart.So here is our tiny list of important charts. Thats enough maths! But astrology is maths, cant get away from it. Thus in this way, the 360 degrees of the Zodiac thus has 720 parts/amsha. Here you get to know in which category each of the 9 planet fall in and thus their deepest natures. There are actually 60 classes of the Shashtyamsha parts. Each planet is allotted to this amsha/part in which its degree falls, and thus takes on its character. Each of these 60 parts of a rashi/sign has a defined character.Each amsha/part is also assigned to a rashi/sign, so you can draw a whole new chart using these new planet-rashi placements.So the Divisional chart 60, D-60, Shashtyamsha, ‘your secret life’! This is the chart you get when you divide the 30 degree long rashi/sign into 60 parts, each part being 1/2 deg or 30 secs in length.

Divisional chart vedic astrology calculator